On June 10th, Good Shepherd Catholic Regional School celebrated their 8th Grade Class of 2024 with a special mass and graduation exercises at St. Joseph Church.
Valedictorian Emily Stark gave the Valedictorian address and Mariam Gomez gave the Salutatorian address.
Mrs. Jennifer DeOliveira, Administrator, announced Jordana Cabral and Austin Olivera as the 2024 Students of the Year.
Graduates are: Mirialle AbuAita, Isabella Berrios, Noah Bottachiari, Brady Bouley, Jordana Cabral, Ari
Chaplin, Sophia Coulombe, Adam DeHaven, Belicia Demrest, Ava Diogo, Trever
FAmolle, Mariam Gomez, Alexander Gosselin, Aiden Greenough, Taegan Greenough,
Kevin Guo, Jake Lavoie, Jared Lemire, Aiden Martley, Arlen McDonald, Michael Mon,
Jr. Austin Olivera, Abagail Picard, Jai Puopolo, Emily Stark, and Cole Thomas.