Our Drama Club, consisting of thirty-two students in grades 3 through 8 held three performances of "Seussical Jr." at the Assembly Theater in Harrisville, RI.
With weekly practices beginning in October, the cast did an outstanding job under the direction of Mrs. Cindy Berard and Mrs. Jessica Bouchard-Pelissier. Special thanks to: Michael Konnerth, Music Director; Amanda Farley, Choreographer; Michelle Varieur, Set Design; Bruce Stanford, Sound Engineer; Katie Varieur & Greer Cournoyer, Set Crew; Drake Lowe and Diesel Doris, Lighting; Tyler McDonald, Videographer; Therese Lavallee, Show Swag; Jennifer Almeida, Hair & Makeup; Debra Doris, Program; Parent Volunteers Tracey Smith & Carlene Fontaine. Special thanks to St. Joseph Catholic Church, Jessica Martley, Joe LaVornia (Route 146 Auto Sales & Service), Molly Berard, Roland Berard, Kaylee Arruda, Bethany Masso, TSETSE Initiative and to the Patrons of The Assembly Theater.
It takes a team effort and the dedication that these volunteers gave to our children is so greatly appreciated. Memories were made to last a lifetime!
(Seussical Jr. is presented through special arrangements with and all authorized materials are supplied by Music Theatre International, New York, NY.)